Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fazail of Abu Bakr(RA) & Umar(RA)

Some people among shia community restlessly target Abu Bakr(RA) and Umar (RA) since they are of the view that Islam and its leadership was some kind of heritage belonging only to the Prophet's family and that the Khilafah of those two most pious of the companions was a result of some kind of power struggle. They are unable to see that Islam was meant for the entire humanity and that the only criteria in Islam for a person's greatness over the other is "Taqwa" or God fear and submission.

According to a hadeeth:

"Do not revile my companions. By (Allah) in Whose Hand my soul is!, if any one of you spends gold (piled up) like (mount) 'Uhud it will not equal a pint of any one of them, nor its half." (al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu-Dawud, at-Tirmidhi Ibn Majah, Ibn Hanbal)

Also Prophet (peace be upon him) said at another time:

"When a man curses anything, the curse goes up to heaven but the gates of heaven are locked against it. It then comes down to the earth and find it's gates are also locaked against it. It then goes right and left, and when finds no place of entrance, it returns to the thing it was cursed, and if it deserves what was said (it enters it), otherwise it returns to the one who uttered it."(Sunan Abu Dawud Vol 3. Book of Manners Hadith 4887)

Despite of clear warnings and indications, some people in Shia community keep on doing this forbidden act. Many among them tend to hate most of the best companions of the prophet (PBUH) and abuse and curse them on daily basis. They believe in some of the narrations that supposedly belittle Abu Bakr(RA) and Umar(RA). They however, don't realize the following facts:

1. Abu Bakr(RA) & Umar(RA) were on the top of Ashra-e-Mubasharah's list i.e. those who were given glad-tiding of paradise in their life by the Prophet(PBUH). Any muslim, who believe in Prophet Muhammad's prophethood would, without any doubt, accept the authenticity of this claim made by the Prophet(PBUH) as this knowledge came to him directly from Allah(SWT).

2. Abu Bakr(RA) & Umar(RA) both were present in the battle of Badr for which Prophet (PBUH) has said:

Verily he witnessed (participated) in the battle of Badr, and what would make you come to know, perhaps Allah has already looked at the people of Badr and said: ‘Do whatever you like, for I have forgiven you.”

3. Abu Bakr(RA) was the companion of the Prophet(PBUH) during his migration to Medina and his stay at Hira cave. Prophet said for him:

"No one has been a better Companion to me than Abu Bakr".

4. Prophet(PBUH) married to Aisha(RA) the daughter of Abu Bkar(RA) and Hafza (RA) daughter of Umar(RA) by the command of Allah(SWT).

5. The Prophet(PBUH) once equated Umar(RA) with Musa(AS) and Abu Bakr(RA) with Esa(AS) in terms of their religious orientation.

6. Prophet(PBUH) said:

"if there was another prophet after me it would have been Umar(RA)."

Imagine if Prophet(PBUH) would say something like that for a person, according to shias, who would forced himself as the Khalifah of the muslim ummah.

7. Prophet(PBUH) said Abu Bakr(RA) is the best of all my companion and that his deeds will over weigh the combined deeds of all imam in muslim ummah.

8. Abu Bakr(RA) was the first man to accept Islam.

9. Prophet(PBUH) prayed for Umar's(RA) imaan for strengthening the early muslims community. Can a person turn hypocrate, as Shias suggest, after Prophet's special prayer?

10. When Abu Bakr offered his entire wealth during the battle of Tabuk, Allah sent his salaam to him through angel Jibrael. Would Allah(SWT) not differentiate between a sincere believer and a hypocate? In the same battle Umar(RA) offered half his wealth.

11. Prophet(PBUH) said that the Satan changes his path from where Umar(RA) passes. Does it not clearly identify the greatness of Umar's(RA) imaan?

12. Prophet(PBUH) said that Abu Bakr's(RA) good deeds are like the number of stars.

13. Prophet(PBUH) said that all seven doors of heaven will welcome Abu Bakr (RA) in the here after.

14. Prophet(PBUH) said that he was shown in his dream the palace of Umar(RA) in Jannah.

15. Prophet(PBUH) referred to Abu Bakr(RA) as Saddiq or Truthful.

16. Prophet(PBUH) referred to Umar(RA) as Shaheed or martyr.

17. Prophet(PBUH) said that Abu Bakr(RA) & Umar(RA) will rise along with him on his two sides on the day of judgement. Can anyone dare to imagine that the Prophet(PBUH) would rise up with hypocrates (as per Shia's depiction).

18. They were among the Ashab-e-Shajar i.e. those who took Bait-e-Ridhwan about which Allah(SWT) says following in the Quran:

Allah's Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore Fealty to thee under the Tree: He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down Tranquillity to them; and He rewarded them with a speedy Victory; (Al-Fath:18)

These are just a few point about the greatness of these two companions of the prophet(PBUH). There are 100s of hadiths and narrations that suggests that these two sincere and devout companions of Prophet(PBUH), although not related to the him by blood, had the best of faith among the rest of the muslims till the last day. This clearly shows that the greatness is Islam is not based on the lineage rather the faith and deeds of an individual muslim. If Islam and salvation were based on the family legacy of the prophet(PBUH) then Islam would never have been embraced by millions around the globe. Infact Islam is totally against that concept as Prophet (PBUH) said on the Hajja-tul-Wida:

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black any superiority over white - except by piety and good action.

The Prophet peace be upon him once gathered all his relatives and said:

‘Oh Banu Hashim save yourselves from the fire, Oh Banu AbdulMuttalib save yourselves from the fire, Oh Abbas the uncle of the Prophet save yourself from the fire, Oh Safiyya the aunt of the Prophet save yourself from the fire, Oh Fatima the daughter of Mohammed save yourself from the Hell fire, for I can do you no good in front of Allah’

May Allah (SWT) guide us all and save us from wrong concepts and Satanic traps. Ameen!!

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